Silent/Online Auction


Let the bidding begin! Shop by category (ie spa, restaurants, gift cards) using the drop-down tab to refine your search. Simply click on an item and make a bid. You will be updated if your item is out bid.  New items will be entered daily, so please check back frequently!

All auction items with bids at 90% (or higher) of their value will be won by the highest bidder at the close of the auction (September 18, 9:00pm).  You will receive a notification email within 24 hours of the auction's closing and will be given instructions on how to provide payment for your winning item(s).

IF you are the highest bidder on an item and your bid is less than 90% of the item's value, bidding on that item will continue with your bid as the starting bid at the Wild West Day Silent auction at 4 Eagle Ranch on September 24th.  If your bid is NOT out bid at the silent auctions, then you are the winner! You will be notified via email and given instructions on how to provide payment for your item(s).

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Displaying items 109 - 120 of 163 in total

Pazzo's Pizzeria: $50 Gift Certi...

Pazzo's Pizzeria

Pazzo's Pizzeria: $50 Gift Certi...

Pazzo's Pizzeria

Pazzo's Pizzeria: $50 Gift Certi...

Pazzo's Pizzeria

Pure Barre Edwards: 10 Punch Pas...

Pure Barre

Red Sandstone Elementary School:...

Red Sandstone Elementary School

Red Sandstone Elementary School:...

Red Sandstone Elementary School

Revolution Power Yoga: One month...

Revolution Power Yoga

Sign Gypsies Vail Valley: One Ya...

Sign Gypsies Vail Valley

Spa Anjali: A Ten Punch Card

Spa Anjali At The Westin Riverfront

SteamMaster Restoration & Cleani...

SteamMaster Restoration & Cleaning

SteamMaster Restoration & Cleani...

SteamMaster Restoration & Cleaning

Stop & Save: Family Pizza Night ...

Stop & Save